Jersey's "Premier" Commission Free Debt Collection Agency
SkyFall Collections offers our Clients the following Debt Collection Services in Jersey subject to a signed Service Level Agreement and KYC being in place
Proceedings Before the Petty Debts Court: -
SkyFall Collections will take on the legal side of recovering a Client's Debt Collection requirements in Jersey through the Petty Debts Court only
Limited Companies:
SkyFall Collections will be appointed as the Credit Control Manager, by way of mandate, for the Client company. In general terms the Client will have sent an invoice or an account for payment, followed by a reminder and a "Final Demand" letter for payment at which point the matter will be handed to SkyFall Collections who will issue proceedings by way of Summons to appear before the Petty Debts Court, in accordance with the Petty Debts Court Rules 2018 and related Practice Direction
The current jurisdiction for the Petty Debts Court is for debts up to £30,000.00. For debts over this amount the services of a Legal Firm will be required as the action will need to be presented before the Royal Court of Jersey
Professionals / Sole Traders / Individuals:
In order for SkyFall Collections to be able to assist a Professional Person, Sole Trader or an individual then the debt will need to be assigned to SkyFall Collections. SkyFall Collections will draw up the relevant documentation, which is referred to as a Deed of Assignment
What exactly does assigning a debt mean? In simple terms it means that SkyFall Collections will become the lawful owners of the debt having acquired the debt through a private agreement with the Professional, Sole Trader or Individual
SkyFall Collections making debt collection in Jersey easier for Clients
Mediation now plays a large role in the process of Debt Collection in Jersey and happens when the debt is disputed in total or in part. Mediation is a voluntary route to take, provided by the Court and it is proving to be highly effective and gives the parties, to the dispute, the opportunity to resolve the dispute without the need to incur considerable expenses by taking the matter to Trial, which is not only costly but also stressful
SkyFall Collections is very experienced in Court Mediation and will assist the Clients throughout the process by preparing the necessary information for the Mediator in advance of the Mediation, attending the Mediation with the Client and assisting the Client to hopefully reach a resolution. See SkyFall's Terms and Conditions for further information
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“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"